Thursday, 12 May 2016

HTML 5 Tag Part 1


In this article you learn new tag and features of HTML5 in this article.

HTML5 is markup language advanced version and features of HTML.

From :
HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. It is the fifth and current version of the HTML standard.

It was published in October 2014 by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to improve the language with support for the latest multimedia, while keeping it easily readable by humans—and consistently understood by computers and devices such as web browsers, parsers, etc. HTML5 is intended to subsume not only HTML 4, but also XHTML 1 and DOM Level 2 HTML.

Follwing is Tag list which incorporated in HTML5:

1. article
2. aside
3. audio
4. canvas
5. command
6. datalist
7. embed
8. figcaption
9. figure
10. footer
11. header
12. hgroup
13. keygen
14. meter
15. nav
16. output
17. progress
18. rp
19. rt
20. ruby
21. section
22. source
23. summary
24. time
25. track
26. video
27. wbr:

  1. article: This tag specially designed for browser will sense the article summary and detail. In shrot <article> tag disclose independent title and details of contents. Article tag can be used in pages like Normal Contents , Blog Post.

<h3>Posted by: Manoj Kalla</h3>
<p>Auction 1 hour ago</time></p>
<p>I love to sing my favourite songs</p>
<h3>Posted by: Ashish Kalla</h3>
<p>Way to Newyork </time></p>
<p>Today envening, moving to newyork for new assignment</p>

other useful link to know article tag:

  1. aside : This tag store the info/content which content not forceliy attached with Main content of page.

<p>CSharpcorner is platform where pepole come together and share there knowledge and serve society through there technical knowledge of different different programming languages.</p>
<dd>Dot Net Programming Language</dd>
<dd>A server-side scripting language for the web application.</dd>

  1. audio : Play audio file on page. Basically MP3 format supported by all browser.

<source src="elvis.mp3" type='audio/mpeg; codecs="mp3"'>

  1. canvas : This tag used for create a graphic with help of javascript.
Runtime this will create graphic as per your specification given in javascript.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<canvas id="rect" width="400" height="200" style="border:2px solid #f21000;">

var c = document.getElementById("rect");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "#F25000";


  1. command : Command that a user can invoke

  1. datalist : To create a combobox where we can select as well as type new value. (Rembering Visual Foxpro days). Predefined value for user and user can type new one also.

<label>Enter Mumbai Suburb name:</label>
<input type="text" list="mumbaisuburbs" />

<datalist id="mumbaisuburbs">
<option value="Churchgate">
<option value="Marine Lines">
<option value="Borivali">
<option value="Kandivali">
<option value="Malad">
<option value="Goregoan">
<option value="Jogeshwari">
<option value="Mumbai Central">
<option value="Mira Road">
<option value="Bhayandar">

  1. embed : Plugin external file likewise Flash file

<embed src=”companyintro.swf" > </embed>

Rest of Tag we will learn in next article....

Happy Coding,

Thank You,

Manoj Kalla

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